Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Forgotten River

Once a wayfarer, aged and weary,

In the midst of an endless journey,

Upon a river, happened to chance

“A bubbling oasis!” he thought and advanced.

But he saw not the sprightly sparkling waters’ dance,

No sound of gentle rumble let him to a trance,

There was but dry and caked earth,

In the place he recalled as the town of his birth.

Seized in memory’s grip, transfixed he stood,

Reminded of youth and mirthful boyhood.

This very river had been, back in its day,

Roaring and alive, but now lifeless it lay.

How he had plunged into its waters blue!

How he had found love, calm, and refuge in it too!

How it had sheltered, fostered and prompted life,

Flora, fauna, and eager human-folk alike!

“You were all things moving, and all that was still,

And all boundless joys that could a heart fill.

In your slow dreamy course, lay enchanted infinity,

Have you forgotten yourself, my love, and even your glory?”

Greeted by silence, he turned back, dismayed,

And left, wondering why God creates, only to separate.

But the memory of gushing mirth from ages and ages ago,

Lightened his heavy tread, and made his heart glow.