Monday, July 2, 2007

The Path

(A poem that'll hopefully offer solace to the restless and a hope to the wanderers)

The path

When on your journey you rest, with feet gone sore,

When the struggle seems meaningless, and with love gone cold

When none heed your call, neither friend nor foe,

And when you’re lost, knowing not which way to go,

When you know not what it is that you seek,

But it haunts you in your wakefulness and sleep

When you lose the urge to get up and go forth

For letting go seems easy, giving up, a welcome thought.

And in this moment of defeat, listen to your soul,

Your soul, the one God you believe in…

‘Oh weary traveler,

Many walk the road to their dreams

Until greed and lust befall them all.

But what you seek is special, the meaning of life,

The nature of love, and the essence of happiness.

But not to capture for yourself these secrets,

Or to peddle as wisdom to those who crave them.

You seek to assuage the storms that rage within yourself

Know this oh lost soul,

Just as he who thirsts does not always find,

He who wanders is not always lost.

Go forth wanderer, your journey awaits you

But never once should you give up on your quest.

For heaven awaits not those who find,

But those who search. And stay on the path.

You search, therefore you are.’

1 comment:

rucha said...

this one's simply a masterpiece!!it sure does reinforce the hope for people who've lost all but their determination not to quit..this poem is truly a great source of support for them..